New Adventures

Watch how I juggle these plates

Another personal post, but hopefully one that will lead to this blog regaining it’s more “useful” content. The last few months have brought some changes, which I am excited about; but that I will still have to tackle with the limitations of the challenges the last few years have caused.

Whats new?

New Job

I have left The Legal Aid Agency, Ministry of Justice as of October. As a Lead Developer and then a Technical Architect I got to work with some fantastic people on some really challenging projects during my time there. I have grown professionally and personally while there and it was a great experience.

Starting on Halloween I am starting at NewDay as a Principal Architect. I’m excited to tackle some new challenges with a great team. I’ll try to keep this site update with what I learn as I go.

Joined the Board of the .NET Foundation

I’ve had the honour of being elected to the .NET Foundations board, along with Iris Classon and Joseph Guadagno. See the full list of the board of directors here. Alongside my new responsibilities, I will be chairing the meetings of the Membership Committee (which I’ve been an active member of for some time). This might also be an area I post about in the future.

What remains the same

Clinical Restrictions

Alas, I still have the same restrictions in place with being clinically vulnerable. No enclosed spaces (including public transport) being the most challenging when it comes to joining in on the “new normal”. As such I still can only attend work and events on a remote basis. No in-person events for me any time soon.

Event organisation

Organisation for DDD East Midlands Conference 2023 is picking up. We’ve got an epic organisation crew for the upcoming event which helps a lot, but there’s still a lot to do. Currently seeking sponsors, as if we can’t pay for certain things in advance (such as the venue deposits) the event can’t happen.

I’m also still co-organising .NET Notts with Pete, but if everything gets a bit too much, I’ll be looking for someone to hand this over to.

The National Museum of Computing Event

October also brought about the half term STEAM event at The National Museum of Computing, in memory of my good friend Paul Vernon. Paul was a fantastic person and technologist and was passionate about passing on knowledge and encouraging young people into tech. I was very sad to say goodbye to Paul and it means the world that you donated to enable this event and that The National Museum of Computing put together this event in his memory.

If you aren’t aware of the amazing events and work done by The National Museum of Computing please go check them out. They are being hit HARD by inflation and the energy crisis and it would be a real tragedy if they don’t get the support they need to continue.

Final notes

A lot is happening in my professional/tech life as you can see; but a lot is happening personally too. Some HUGE life events are happening in the next 12 months, all of which is going to keep me very busy. With that in mind, let’s hope that this burst of energy lasts for some time because I’m going to need it!
